Encounter At Fenwick
The opportunity to try something different lingers right outside our consciousness, a bit like a quiet little cat by the backdoor. Come say hi to me anytime, it says, as we walk past taking the same worn path to making an image. How about today, it asks, patiently waiting because the opportunity-cat never leaves.
I recently made some new composite images and am enjoying a creative opening and fresh approach to what’s possible for me. I accepted the ever-present invitation to experiment, reach out a bit, take a different route on the way to work. In doing so, I feel freer to make images that I had not considered and refine how I am seeing light and perspective as i make new photographs.
You too may have noticed your own opportunity-cat hanging about. Maybe it is time to say hi, and have a new encounter with what’s possible to do.
The image “Encounter At Fenwick” is in the 9th Annual InVision Juried Photo-Based Art Exhibition in Bethlehem, PA